Mi chiamo Eleonora Bianchi, vengo da Roma, e sono una economic tutor, oppure una financial coach, oppure, alla vecchia maniera, una contabile.
Dopo il piacere di aver girovagato con Omero e fantasticato con Ovidio, combattuto con Achille e amato con Catullo, dopo essermi perduta filosofeggiando con Kant, arrivando a paradossi in stile Inception, ho voluto alla fine cambiare rotta e abbandonare i grandi per scoprire altri personaggi altrettanto importanti ma forse meno affascinanti ... sono approdata ad economia.
Durante il viaggio durato tre+due anni, ho litigato con Gossen e Stackelberg, oltre che con vari libri, professori ed esami, mi sono innamorata di Maslow e Herzberg, mi sono sentita disperata come Leopardi per capire concetti espressi solo da x,y,e qualche z buttata a caso sul foglio, ho affrontato coraggiosamente con Ettore sotto le mura troiane tutti quegli esami, che forse non fanno paura solo ad uno studente di medicina.
Ed ecco lì i traguardi, il primo, veloce e appassionante, mi ha permesso oltre di conoscere fantastiche persone, di sperimentare i miei limiti e le mie conoscenze, di mettermi in relazione con persone di tutto il mondo; il secondo, preso con grande responsabilità per il futuro, ha decisamente messo alla prova tutte le mie convinzioni.
Apro questo blog per esprimere al mondo il mio parere, le mie idee e quello che credo sia giusto che le persone sappiano. Persone informate rendono il mondo un posto migliore, e purtroppo, mi dispiace dirlo, i post su facebook o le fanfinction non sono informazione, al massimo un diversivo alla noia.
Calcolando approssimativamente una funzione di oil expansion, se ognuno di voi portasse due persone a leggere questo blog, o quantomeno informarsi, il mondo sarebbe migliorato prima che il prossimo asteroide colpisca la Terra. :)
Bando alle ciance, vi auguro una buona lettura e una buona triarticolazione!
My name is Eleonora Bianchi, from Rome, and I am a economic tutor, or a financial, coach, or, according to the old fashioned way, an accountant.
After the pleasure of having wandered with Homer and fantasized with Ovid, fought with Achilles and loved with Catullus, after I lost in philosophizing with Kant, reaching paradoxes Inception style, I changed route and abandoned great characters to discover other equally important but perhaps less fascinating ones ... I landed in the realm of economics.
During the journey lasted five years, I had a fight with Gossen and Stackelberg, as well as several books, professors and exams, I was in love with Maslow and Herzberg, I felt desperated as Leopardi to understand concepts expressed only by x, y, and some z thrown randomly on the paper.
Here my results, the first, fast and exciting, allowed me to know amazing people, to experience my limits and my knowledge, to relate to people from all over the world; the second, taken with great responsibility for the future, has definitely test ed all my beliefs and resilience.
I open this blog to express my opinion to the world, my ideas and what I believe people have to know. Informed people make the world a better place, and unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, posts on facebook or fanfinction is in any way information, maybe a diversion from the boredom.
Calculating an approximate function of oil expansion, if each of you brings two people reading this blog, or at least let them inform, the world would be improved before the next asteroid hits the Earth. :)
No sense, I wish you a good read and a good three-folding!
Young, Graduated, and now .... Blogger
My name is Eleonora Bianchi, from Rome, and I am a economic tutor, or a financial, coach, or, according to the old fashioned way, an accountant.
After the pleasure of having wandered with Homer and fantasized with Ovid, fought with Achilles and loved with Catullus, after I lost in philosophizing with Kant, reaching paradoxes Inception style, I changed route and abandoned great characters to discover other equally important but perhaps less fascinating ones ... I landed in the realm of economics.
During the journey lasted five years, I had a fight with Gossen and Stackelberg, as well as several books, professors and exams, I was in love with Maslow and Herzberg, I felt desperated as Leopardi to understand concepts expressed only by x, y, and some z thrown randomly on the paper.
Here my results, the first, fast and exciting, allowed me to know amazing people, to experience my limits and my knowledge, to relate to people from all over the world; the second, taken with great responsibility for the future, has definitely test ed all my beliefs and resilience.
I open this blog to express my opinion to the world, my ideas and what I believe people have to know. Informed people make the world a better place, and unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, posts on facebook or fanfinction is in any way information, maybe a diversion from the boredom.
Calculating an approximate function of oil expansion, if each of you brings two people reading this blog, or at least let them inform, the world would be improved before the next asteroid hits the Earth. :)
No sense, I wish you a good read and a good three-folding!
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